Date: 21st of June, 2016
At: N313 Seminar Room IMRAM, Tohoku University
21 audiences were attended the seminar including ERATO Momose Pj members. Three lectures titled “Grating-Based X-ray Phase-Contrast and Dark-Field Imaging:” by TUM and following two and half hours discussions were done intensively with the presentations by ERATO Momose PJ members and KEK researchers of Laser Compton X-ray generation and compact Energy Recovery Linac.
Professor Dr. Franz Pfeiffer
Biomedical Physics, Technical University Munich
This presentation will review the current status and the most recent research activities in the field of grating-based x-ray imaging in Munich. It will cover our efforts to improve the method toward higher sensitivity, higher energy and to a broader range of applications, both in biomedical and material sciences. We will specifically address the implementation of dark-field computed tomography for pre-clinical in-vivo small-animal CT and future clinical human CT applications.
Assistant Professor Dr. Peter Noël
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Technical University Munich
This presentation will focus on advanced image processing and reconstruction schemes for grating-based phase- and dark-field-contrast imaging. Such approaches can substantially improve image quality and suppress noise. We will specifically discuss advanced filtering algorithms (e.g. bilateral filtering) and iterative reconstruction schemes for phase- and dark-field-contrast applications in computed tomography.
Assistant Professor Dr. Daniela Münzel
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Technical University Munich
This presentation will review a selection of recent pre-clinical research results obtained with phase- and/or dark-field-contrast imaging for biomedical tissue samples and small-animal models. Based on these, we will discuss the most promising future applications of the method to improve diagnosis in the clinical routine. Particular emphasis will be put on applications to improve diagnostics of lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung fibrosis, and/or lung cancer.